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Savage Vendetta (Fire & Vice Book 4) Page 23

  Jane wasn’t used to soothing anyone. She’d never wanted to before. Now she found herself somewhat helpless in navigating her husband’s current mood. “Vlad?” she asked tentatively.

  “Yes,” he replied without turning to her.

  “Is… is it really bad that you severed ties with this Petrov man?” she asked trying to understand what had just happened. “I sense something of significance passed back there. Am I wrong?”

  He didn’t answer at first. He stroked one long finger across the scar on his jaw. Finally, he turned to her, his black eyes glinting under the passing glow of streetlights. “You are not wrong,” his voice was guttural and deep as he spoke. “I have known Petrov’s father for almost thirty years. I was his enforcer before I moved my family here. He sent his son to America to learn from me, but the boy is ignorant and a fool. He is short-tempered, which is a danger in our business. He has come into my city and treated me with disrespect rather than listen to any advice I may impart to him.”

  Jane nodded. “Sending him back to Russia will be a blow to your relationship with Petrov senior.”

  “Da,” he responded, reaching across the leather seat and taking her hand in his. He ran his fingers over her forearm and wrist sending shivers running through her.

  “And the blood debt?” she asked a little breathlessly. “What is that?”

  Vlad gently but firmly pulled her closer until the buckle of her seatbelt stopped him. He continued to run his long fingers over her body, almost absently. He enjoyed touching her whenever he could. Jane had thought it was his possessive nature wanting to assure itself that she was close, but now she suspected her mere presence was soothing to him. A novel idea considering how much she annoyed most people with her abrasive personality.

  He shrugged. “Petrov senior walked into a trap once with me at his back. I had warned him of the trap, but he refused to listen and told me I could leave his organization. I stood at his back anyway, though I knew he would be attacked. I turned out to be correct, he was set up by another boss wanting to disrupt Petrov’s organization. I saved Petrov’s life that night. He repaid me generously and helped set me and my family up here. Though I considered the debt settled, he never did. His son may be a fool, but the elder Petrov is an honourable man.”

  Jane was surprised her husband was telling her so much. He had thus far been reluctant to share much of his history or business with her. She felt that this moment was as much of significance as what had passed at the restaurant. She touched his jaw, running her thumb over his scar. “Then I’m sorry you’ll no longer be friends with him because of me.”

  Vlad jerked his head in a shake and took her hand in a firm grip, twining his fingers around hers. “I am not sorry. You are not at fault. This is Petrov’s own doing, never yours. I will do what it takes to ensure your safety and the respect you are due as my wife.”

  She looked down at their joined hands. His darkly tattooed fingers enveloped hers completely. “I would rather earn respect on my own merit, Vlad.”

  His eyes held hers in the darkness of the vehicle. “You’re not a cop anymore Jane and you no longer live in that world. It is an unfortunate truth that women are a commodity and little else in my circle. I will make sure you are esteemed, even if it means crushing anyone that would suggest otherwise.”

  Jane wrinkled her nose, swaying toward him as the vehicle turned into the driveway of their mansion and came to a stop in front of the large gate. “Maybe it’s time for a woman to make a statement in your world. I want to be known for more than being a rich man’s wife.”

  Vlad laughed as the gate swung open and the car resumed its trek toward the sprawling house. He turned her hand in his and pressed a kiss against her wrist. “You will stand at my side as my queen, malysh.”

  “Or in front of you!” she replied back with a quick smile.

  He laughed huskily, pulling her from the vehicle as it stopped. “You simply cannot resist, can you woman?”

  She sighed and said with a shrug, “I was born this way, Russian. I believe I warned you that I like to piss people off.”

  He swung her around until she was flush against his body. “You don’t piss me off, my lovely wife.”

  She tapped his chin with her fingernail and said, “That’s weird, because I distinctly remember a very pissed off Vladimir locking me up in some kind of dungeon.”

  Boris opened the front door and stared at the pair for a moment, his expression inscrutable, then stood to the side and did his best impression of an uninterested mountain. Jane smiled and went up on her toes to kiss Vlad’s jaw. He brought a hand up to cup the back of her head.

  “I stand corrected,” he growled. “You make me crazy woman.”

  Vlad bent down and swept her off her feet. Jane laughed crazily and grabbed hold of his neck as her feet left the ground. He had one arm around her back and the other tucked under her jean clad legs. Her booted feet stuck out in front of them as he strode up the steps, into the mansion and past Boris, who calmly closed the door and disappeared into the shadows.

  “Here I thought all those muscles you like to hide under your suits were for show,” she smirked.

  Vlad ascended the stairs swiftly with his wife held tightly in his arms. “I will smack that beautiful ass for suggesting such a thing.”

  “Bring it on, Russian!”

  Vlad let her legs slide to the floor once they were in their bedroom. Now that they were alone, he allowed his eyes to roam over her with unconcealed lust. He took his jacket off and began unbuttoning his shirt. Nodding toward her, he said, “Clothes off. Now, Jane.”

  She didn’t need to be asked twice. She unbuckled her skull-studded belt and shoved her skinny jeans down her legs. Kicking off her boots and pants, she stood in only her Pink Floyd T-shirt. She turned to bend over and pick up her discarded clothes so she could get them out of the way when her husband growled. She found herself seized from behind.

  “Fuck woman, seeing you like that, bold as day, bent over…” he snarled into the back of her hair.

  Jane’s breathing came out in rushed gasps as his arm dug into her ribcage and forced her backwards into the hardness of his chest and thighs. He thrust his erection, still encased in pants, into her bare backside. With his other hand he reached up and fisted her hair, turned her head to the side and bent to devour her lips. As usual, he was not gentle with her.

  After a moment, Jane’s head began to swim dizzily from the force of his kiss and lack of oxygen from his tight hold. Finally, she managed to pull her face from his fierce hold and gasp out, “No, Vlad!”

  He froze, his hold tightening fractionally. She was so in tune with her husband and his moods that she felt the shift in him from desperately passionate to cold. “You dare to say no to me, Jane Sitnikov?”

  She shivered, his use of her last name somehow significant, like he was reminding her that she was his wife and as such belonged to him in every way possible. Vlad lived in a dark world where the letter of the law didn’t matter. In his world, the binding words passed at their wedding ceremony gave him every right to her. She was his: mind, body and soul.

  Jane struggled in his hold, her naked ass rubbing against him. “Let go of me Vladimir, I mean it! You always get control, it’s my turn, dammit!”

  Surprised, Vlad released her. Jane turned around and glared up at him. “What does this mean, Jane? You want the control?”

  Though she was still slightly miffed at his high handedness, her libido was still riding high. A small, sexy smile played around her lips. She reached out and placed a hand in the middle of his chest over top of the dome of his temple and shoved. He didn’t move, but his eyebrows lowered in a frown. With a small growl, Jane jumped on him, shoving herself forward with as much momentum as she could manage.

  “What…!” he snapped in surprise, catching her awkwardly and stumbling back.

  With a little grin she took advantage of his stumble by hooking her leg around his and shoving him backward by the
chin. He plummeted backwards toward the bed. Immediately his defensive instincts kicked in and he rolled them so she landed on the bed facedown with him on top crushing her into the mattress. Jane let out a scream of frustration.

  “So you wish to play, my wife?” Vlad said in her ear, leaning over her.

  “I want to be on top, Vlad!” she snapped, her voice muffled by the mattress. She turned her head slightly so he could get the message clearly. “Jesus, why are you always so difficult?”

  Vlad laughed. “If that is what you wanted, then you should have said something sooner.”

  He rolled them until Jane was perched on top of him. She gasped and squirmed when the soft lips of her pussy came into contact with the stiff fabric of his pants. Vlad thrust against her, increasing the friction and grasping her waist in hard hands and grinding her against him. “I am happy to let my woman take control,” he said in a deeply accented voice.

  “Vlad!” she gasped desperately. “This isn’t what I meant!”

  She slapped her open palms against his chest and shoved herself back until she managed to break his intimate assault on her tender pussy. “Please Vlad, let me do this.”

  With a sigh, Vlad released her and spread his arms out to the side. “What is it you want of me Jane,” he asked, annoyed. “I want to fuck my wife. This delay is making me impatient.”

  Jane leaned across him and reached for her side drawer. Opening it she put her hand inside and rummaged around. “Do you trust me Vlad?”

  “Fuck no,” he said in mock grimness, his eyes glued to the sugar skull tattoo as her hip and thigh stretched across his vision. He was in the process of tracing his finger around the colourful flowers adorning the skull when she snapped a handcuff over his wrist.

  Vlad instantly jerked his hand away and sat up so fast Jane tumbled backward. “What the fuck?” he snapped, looking at the metal cuff and glaring at Jane. He shook his head, “Not happening, woman.”

  She immediately sat up and crawled up his body, making sure the maximum amount of her skin touched his. “But why, Vlad?” she purred, licking her way up his chest and nipping at the flexed muscles. “It’ll be fun. I want to take control for once, I want to have you at my mercy.”

  “Jane…” he groaned, arching his head back to give her access to his neck. She traced the edge of a tattooed dagger scoring his ribcage with her hot little tongue.

  “Please, Vladimir… I’ve always wanted to use these in bed and never got the chance. We’re married, can’t you trust me just a little bit…?” she pouted in between playful bites.

  “Alright, I will let you do this,” he growled, dragging her head up off his chest and looking into her glowing amber eyes. “On two conditions.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Bedroom negotiations, Vlad? Colour me intrigued.”

  “One,” he said, “You release me when I tell you to, no hesitation.”

  She frowned down at him. “But Vlad…”

  “No buts, this is my requirement.”

  She rolled her eyes and let her breath out in a huff. “You sure know how to take the fun out of letting me take charge. What’s the other requirement?”

  His eyes glowed with such lust that she suspected she knew what was coming. “You will place that delicious pussy over my face and allow me to have my fill.”

  Oh my god. Jane nearly orgasmed on the spot. Her face flushed red and her body heated up. Finally she managed to whisper, “Okay.”

  “You agree to my terms?”

  “Yes!” Jane said, reaching for his wrist and pulling it up over his head.

  The muscle of his bicep rippled as he fought with himself not to resist her. Vlad was about as happy to relinquish control in the bedroom as he was out of it. Jane grinned down at him. She tucked some of the dark hair swinging in her face behind a small ear and reached for his other wrist. He flexed the wrist under her small fingers, showing her without words how easily he could break her hold if he wanted to.

  Well, he wasn’t going to break through the metal handcuffs, she thought to herself as she pulled them through the heavy wood of the headboard and snapped it over his other wrist. As if to test her theory he yanked his wrists forward, balling his hands into fists. His muscles flexed as he resisted the binding, but he was unable to break the cuffs. They were police issue, so it would take a hell of a lot of force to get out of them.

  “Don’t make me regret this, malysh,” he growled, his dark eyes capturing hers. “Because if I regret this, so will you.”

  “I have no doubt,” she laughed. “Don’t worry baby, I’m going to make this so good you’ll want me to tie you up every chance we get.”

  “I doubt it,” he growled.

  Jane sat up straight, straddling his hips with her bare legs on either side. She pulled her T-shirt over her head and tossed it across the room. Her bra followed quickly behind. She sat on him fully naked, letting him drink in the sight of her, but helpless to touch her as he clearly wanted to.

  He gritted his teeth. She reached out and put a small hand over his lips. “Don’t you dare ruin this, Russian! I’m not done with you.”

  “Then you better let me get my tongue in that tight little pussy. I’m done waiting for a taste of you, wife. It’s been three long days since I’ve had my fill and I’m a starving man.”

  She smiled and crawled down his body toward his feet. “You’re grumpy when you’re hungry, Vlad.”

  She reached up and unbuckled his pants. She wasted no time in dragging them and his underwear down his body. With both of them fully nude, she was satisfied. His penis jutted from his body, fully erect. Her mouth watered as he thrust his hips involuntary toward her. She crawled up toward him, intent on licking the precum from the purple tip that beckoned her. She stopped at his knees, caught by the stars tattooed there. They were faded, but clear. She kissed each one.

  “You’ll kneel before no man?” she whispered, looking up at him.

  “I would kneel before you alone, Jane. There is no one else.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. She understood the significance of what he said. She was the only person who held power over him. His words combined with him allowing her to tie him down and do whatever she wanted with his body told her he meant what he said.

  “Vlad…” she whispered.

  Jane climbed his body, and pressed her lips against his in a passionate kiss. She wasn’t eloquent, she didn’t know how else to tell her criminal mastermind of a husband that she had fallen in love with him despite herself. His words had pierced her heart, ensuring the final thrust in her capitulation. She belonged to him now of her own free will. His lips devoured hers in return, sealing their incredible attraction to each other with a promise of forever.

  Jane tore her lips from his and began kissing her way down his body toward his cock, which stood eager for her attention. Her lips closed over him with an ecstatic moan, encasing the tip in the velvety softness of her mouth. She ran her tongue around the head, paying the indent particular attention. Vlad groaned and thrust his hips up, forcing more of the stiff flesh into her mouth. Jane enthusiastically complied, bringing her hand up to fist the base and sinking down the shaft as far as she could go.

  “Fuck!” he groaned, fighting the handcuffs. “Jane, get your ass up here and let me lick you. Now, woman!”

  She smiled, pulling her head back. Even tied down the Boss insisted on dominating the bedroom. She was happy to give him what he wanted. If he hadn’t demanded she allow him to pleasure her, she would be finger fucking herself any moment. She was so wet already from his reactions to her unpracticed seduction. Jane had so little experience before Vlad she’d been somewhat worried about taking control, but she was finding the whole concept came quite naturally to her now that she had a little practice under her belt.

  Jane wiggled her hips until she was completely turned around and kneeling next to his head. A little uncertainly, she parted her knees and brought one leg over so that she was straddling his face. She felt te
rribly awkward, until the moment his hot breath caressed her labia. With a gasp she arched her back, which resulted in the lowering of her hips over his face. Vlad complied by bringing his head up between her legs.

  With one thrust of his tongue into her dripping wet pussy, he had her entirely convinced that this was the best possible position for them. Sensations rushed through her as he licked her with fierce strokes, running his tongue between the lips of her pussy and circling her clit before returning to thrust stiffly into her. Jane’s cries filled the bedroom. She held herself frozen over top of him, helpless to pull herself away from his overwhelming tongue.

  Jane returned her attention to his cock with a renewed enthusiasm, taking him deep into her mouth and licking him with long deep strokes. Their mutual pleasure spiralled up and up, transporting both of them to a place they hadn’t yet discovered together, and wouldn’t have if Jane hadn’t insisted on taking the lead.

  Vlad tore his lips from where they ravaged her and said in a growl, “Jane, fuck baby, you need to stop now. I’m going to come in your mouth if you don’t stop what you’re doing.”

  “Yes,” she moaned as she continued to devour him, enjoying the way the head of his penis flared against her lips as he prepared to come in the velvety heat of her waiting mouth.

  “No,” he said firmly, jerking his hips down into the bed and releasing himself from the clasp of her lips. “I want to come deep in your body, malysh. I have waited for my wife to come home so that I could show her how much I missed her. Put me inside you Jane, let me come inside that gorgeous pussy.”

  How was she to resist when he put it that way? Jane reluctantly rolled to the side until she was no longer kneeling over Vlad’s face and crawled back down his body. She turned to face him and straddled his belly. She moaned in pleasure as her sensitive clit came in contact with the rough hair that led from his navel down to his penis.